Raw Turkey & Pork Sausage (Frozen)

Raw Turkey & Pork Sausage (Frozen)

  • $19.80
Tax included.

Frozen turkey and pork sausage for BBQ is a delicious and spicy sausage that is perfect for grilling or barbecuing. Made with no preservatives nor nitrates.

The sausage is frozen raw, which means that it is not cooked and can be grilled directly from the freezer.

When cooked on a barbecue, the turkey and pork sausage develops a deliciously crispy exterior while remaining juicy and flavourful on the inside. This sausage is perfect for summer barbecues or outdoor gatherings and pairs well with a variety of sides, such as grilled vegetables, potatoes, or a fresh salad.

Delivered: Frozen & Ready to cook

Shelf life: 3 Days Chilled or 3 month frozen

Serving: 2 - 3 pax

Ingredients: Pork, Turkey, salt & pepper

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